Ohio ACE Education Marketplace

Browse education service providers who have been approved to receive funds from Ohio ACE educational savings accounts.

Kids First Too


This service provider requires payment upfront : Yes

Price Range: $25 - $329

Phone Number: (513) 831-4333

Email: info@kidsfirsttoo.com

Address: 885 State Route 28, Milford, Ohio 45150

Service Provider: 202344

Educational Value

Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Tumbling, Day Camps, Ninja and Dance. Our programs focus on fine motor, gross motor development along with social and emotional development working with other children. Child development experts know acquiring healthy learning skills is far more important than mastery of specific skills such as cartwheels. At Kids First TOO, athletic skills are used as tools to instill learning attitudes while skill mastery is a secondary goal. At KFT, we keep first things first.....kids!