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Ohio Ace Education Marketplace


Browse education service providers who have been approved to receive funds from Ohio ACE educational savings accounts.


The federal funds used to operate this project are scheduled to expire later this year. As a result, all ACE funds must be used for allowable activities no later than July 1, 2024. (Dates of service must occur before July 1, 2024.)*

All claims requesting payment or reimbursement must be submitted to Merit for processing no later than July 15, 2024. Any funds that are not expended by July 1, 2024 will no longer be available. Claims submitted after July 15, 2024 will not be approved.

*Clarification for service dates/close down for camps: Claims for day camps that have been paid for by parents may be reimbursed if the service date occurs through September 1, 2024. The claim is only reimbursable for day camps during this time period if the parent has paid up front and prior to July 1, 2024.

ONN Tutoring Solutions


This service provider requires payment upfront : No

Price Range: $50 - $150

Phone Number: (515) 803-4025


Address: 7247 McQueen Drive , Pickerington, Ohio 43147

Service Provider: 203132

Educational Value

The Our Nieces and Nephews Tutoring Solutions service provides a much-needed solution to the education crisis that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Founder Hem Rizal's background as a high school math teacher and his experience tutoring his own nieces and nephews gave him a unique perspective on the challenges facing students during the pandemic. He understood that many students were struggling with learning loss due to the disruption caused by school closures, and that lower-income families were particularly vulnerable to this crisis. Rizal's response was to create a tutoring service that could provide affordable, personalized, and community-minded support to students who needed it most. The result was ONN Tutoring Solutions, which works closely with families and educators to curate the best intervention and enrichment strategy for each child. The service's model is centered on collaboration and customized solutions for each child, with a focus on creating a tutoring experience that feels personal and inviting. One of the key educational benefits of the ONN Tutoring Solutions service is its ability to provide targeted, one-on-one support to students who are struggling with specific subjects or learning challenges. This personalized approach can be particularly beneficial for students who may not be getting the support they need in a traditional classroom setting. By working with families and educators to design personalized intervention programs that can help them succeed, the service provides a valuable resource for students who are looking to improve their academic performance. Another benefit of the service is its focus on creating a warm and inclusive learning environment that is designed to make learning enjoyable for every child. The team at ONN Tutoring Solutions understands that every child has unique needs and learning styles, and they work hard to tailor their approach to each child's individual needs. By embracing a sense of warmth, familiarity, and inclusivity, the team hopes to create a tutoring experience that is both personal and inviting. Finally, the service's community-minded approach is also an educational benefit in and of itself. By working closely with families and educators to design personalized intervention programs, the service helps to build stronger connections between students, their families, and their communities. This can be particularly beneficial for lower-income families who may not have access to other educational resources. In conclusion, the Our Nieces and Nephews Tutoring Solutions service provides several educationally valuable benefits for students. From its focus on personalized, one-on-one support to its warm and inclusive learning environment, the service offers a valuable resource for students who are looking to improve their academic performance and achieve their goals. The service's community-minded approach also helps to build stronger connections between students, their families, and their communities, which can have a positive impact on their overall well-being and success.