Ohio ACE Education Marketplace
Browse education service providers who have been approved to receive funds from Ohio ACE educational savings accounts.

Raising Robust Readers
This service provider requires payment upfront : Yes
Price Range: $29 - $799
Phone Number: (239) 560-6958
Email: Info@RaisingRobustReaders.com
Address: 2080 McGregor Blvd Suite 300-A, North Fort Myers, Florida 33903
Service Provider: 291745
Raising Robust Readers™ provides our 18-module reading program digitally. This Guide provides parents and professionals with explicit text, downloadable materials and videos that guide them through the teaching program. Our hard copy materials, The FUN-O-Guide and Spelling Your Way Through the Reading Code, enable parents and professionals to have the core information at hand. Our tutoring is offered virtually. In addition, we partnered with GiGi's Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers to include a customized phonics component in their literacy tutoring sessions. Professional Development is presented on-site or virtually. Raising Robust Readers™ specializes in supporting individuals with Down syndrome in their reading goals to go beyond sight words to independent reading. To that end, they have written an introductory guide for families and professionals: Phonics the R-igh-t Way for Children and Adults with Down syndrome…How Parents and Professionals Can Teach Reading on the Go Wherever They Go.
Each Service Provider conducts their business differently and may collect payment for their goods/services in one of two ways:
1. Parent/Guardian pays for goods/services at time of service. This type of purchase can be reimbursed with OH ACE account funds directly to the parent/guardian via claim submission with an attached receipt in the OH ACE app as long as the parent/guardian has connected their bank account to the app.
2. Service Provider issues an invoice to the parent/guardian for goods/services. This invoice can be paid directly to the Service Provider using OH ACE account funds by submitting a claim with the attached invoice in the OH ACE app, as long as the Service Provider has set up their account to receive those funds.
Please check with each Service Provider ahead of a purchasing decision to ensure you are aware of their policy regarding payment at time of service or invoicing.
Each Service Provider conducts their business differently and may collect payment for their goods/services in one of two ways:
1. Parent/Guardian pays for goods/services at time of service. This type of purchase can be reimbursed with OH ACE account funds directly to the parent/guardian via claim submission with an attached receipt in the OH ACE app as long as the parent/guardian has connected their bank account to the app.
2. Service Provider issues an invoice to the parent/guardian for goods/services. This invoice can be paid directly to the Service Provider using OH ACE account funds by submitting a claim with the attached invoice in the OH ACE app, as long as the Service Provider has set up their account to receive those funds.
Please check with each Service Provider ahead of a purchasing decision to ensure you are aware of their policy regarding payment at time of service or invoicing.